Mesotherapy/Liquid Lipo



Some fat just does not go away with diet and exercise, no matter how hard you work at it. A fat dissolving injection also known as lipolysis is a nonsurgical method of reducing fat pockets in certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, chin, and love handles. With quick treatment times and no downtime or extended recovery required. The Liquid lipo injections is minimally invasive and requires 2-5 sessions 4 weeks apart for maximum effectiveness.

How Can It Help?
The medication destroys the cell membrane causing lysis when injected into the tissue. The fat cells absorb the medication, become temporarily inflamed and harden, and then are broken down and eliminated by the body’s natural processes.

What Areas Can Be Treated?
Liquid Lipo is administered by way of micro injections which are injected locally into the subcutaneous fat found in the targeted treatment areas. This treatment is currently used in treatments of the unwanted fat found in the chin, upper and lower back, abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and back of arms.

Am I a Good Candidate?
Liquid Lipo is suitable for patients who prefer a non-surgical fat reduction treatment. Ideal candidates are in good overall health and have realistic expectations. Patients who are at a relatively stable weight and have no plans to gain significant weight are excellent candidates. Candidates must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Specific instructions may be given, including changing or stopping certain medications. Before we schedule your treatment sessions, we will address all your concerns so you can make a sound decision for your fat reduction goals.

Your Consultation

During your consultation, we will examine the areas where you want to remove unwanted fatty tissue. We will evaluate your medical history to ensure you are safe for treatment. We will create the appropriate treatment plan based on the body areas you are concerned about and the amount of fat you want removed. We will explain the treatment plan, including the number of injections necessary for each treatment area and the estimated cost of the entire treatment.

Your Treatment Session

Liquid Lipo treatments can last from 30 minutes up to 1 hour. The exact duration will depend on the number of treatment areas and the treatment plan. A specific amount of Liquid Lipo will be injected based on the treatment area and amount of excess fat.

Schedule Your Consultation

Are you interested in finding out more about Liquid Lipo in Greenville, SC If so, contact Drenched Wellness and schedule your consultation today.