Call us today to book your next appointment and learn more about our recommended treatments.

Welcome to Drenched Wellness Greenville SC’s Integrative Aesthetics & Wellness Spa

At Drenched Wellness, we understand the need for balance when cultivating a beauty and wellness experience. We pride ourselves in creating natural and realistic results. Our perceptive clients in the Upstate area, trust our skilled practitioners to successfully provide vitamin infusions, aesthetic treatments, weight management services, and much more. We tailor all our services to each individual client with your beauty and wellness goals in mind.

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of Experience


Natale W. Burton MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
A leading authority in the beauty and wellness industry, Natale has led a distinguished career as a healthcare professional for over 10 years. She has spent her career honing her expertise in the areas of business, regenerative and aesthetic nursing, skin care and more. This vast experience has helped Natale understand what it takes to provide the best quality care to all clients. With the strong belief that optimal health is wealth and after traveling her own roadmap of transition after childbirth Drenched Wellness was born.
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Positive Reviews

From our satisfied client

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Patients Recover

Thanks to our professional staff

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Experienced Doctor

Strictly selected doctors

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Room Available

We won’t run out of room

Charming Caucasian young woman touches cheeks gently, has glowing hydrated skin





Beauty + Wellness

Drenched Wellness prides itself on helping our clients look and feel confident, rejuvenated, and renewed. Contact us today to book your initial consultation or treatment


After you’ve booked your appointment, our licensed nurse practitioner will provide you with safe and effective care.
Discover if IV Hydration are right for you by contacting Drenched Wellness. We are a premier provider of IV Vitamin Therapy in the Greenville, SC, area.

Book your appointment.

Fill out your client waiver and health screening online.

Our Nurse Practitioner will review your history

We will generate a custom treatment specific to helping you reach your healthiest you.


Positive Review From Clients

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All content provided by Drenched Wellness is for general informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program. All therapies are specific formulations prepared by Drenched. Any designations or references to therapies are for marketing purposes only.